Wednesday 28 June 2017

Nutrition To Your Health

Understanding the basics of what we consume and what is better for us the way to a "Healthy & Active Lifestyle".

We have given a small blue print, which we hope will help you in achieving your fitness goal.

The Importance of Nutrition In your body

What is food? –
Food makes your body work, grow and repair itself. The kind of food you eat can affect the efficiency of these processes. ... Getting to know which nutrients are in which foods can help you to understand something of this complex relationship between your food and your body.

What is nutrition?
Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Understanding nutrition is important because the food you ingest on a day-to-day basis will have an immense influence on how your body feels and functions. Good nutrition can help prevent disease and promote health.

A nutrient helps our body to -
  • Build, Maintain & Repair All Your Body Cells.
  • Support Healthy Bones, Muscles & Skin Growth.
  • Support A Strong Immune System. Support Healthy Eyes & Vision.

Nutrients are classified into two groups:

1. Macro-nutrients which are needed in relatively large amounts - The Macronutrients are carbohydrates, fiber, fats, protein, and water.
  • Protein from food is broken down into amino acids by the digestive system. These amino acids are then used for building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, hair and other tissues. Main sources of protein are meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese and eggs and vegetables like beans and lentils.                         
  • Carbohydrate is the energy that provide that is used first to fuel muscles and the brain. They are obtained from vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, seeds, wheat, brown - rice.
  • Fat maintains skin and hair, cushions vital organs, provides insulation, and is necessary for the production and absorption of certain vitamins and hormones.They are obtained from meat and milk products.
  • Water helps to control our body temperature, carries nutrients and waste products from our cells, and is needed for our cells to function.
2. Micronutrients which are needed in smaller quantities - minerals, vitamins.

  • Minerals are involved in many body functions, like calcium and magnesium are important for bone structure, and iron is needed for our red blood cells to transport oxygen.

  • Vitamins help to regulate chemical reactions in the body. Because most vitamins cannot be made in the body, we must obtain them through the diet or through external sources.

Both Vitamins & Minerals are not source of energy. The energy providers are Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats

A balanced diet should provide all the nutrients required and around 50-60% of total calories from carbohydrates, preferably from complex carbohydrates, about 10-15% from proteins and 20-30% from both visible and invisible fat.

Goodnutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health. Eating healthy is the best choice to make for your diet to provide the necessary nutrients that your body needs to create new cells, clean toxins, and to just function every day!

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